Refund Policy

We ensure the quality service standards in case of any problems (if you are facing), please send us the details via support tickets we will resolve the issue within 48 hours (2 working days)

When refund is possible or not possible:

  • When you buy staking packages, atleast 180 days staking is mandatory for all stakeholders. Means with in 180 days you could not apply refund.
  • If you are not satisfied with the service standards or any other issues without any questions you could apply refund of principal staking amount.
  • After 30 working days your amount will be refunded in your account (bank or crypto wallet) but after 180 days.

No refunds will be offered for registration charges: (Rs. 1000)

  • If you’ve opened a support ticket for any complaint but you didn't get any response in 48 hours (2 working days), 
  • please contact support or your upline.


Please also note that:

  • Refunds can take up to 30 working days (depends on Bank and payment Methods) to reflect in your accounts.
  • We normally charge 5% Processing Fee as Refund Processing fee. Applicable after 180 days 
  • After 24 month when your staking plan mature, no charges (5%) will apply.
  • You can cancel your account at any time; no refunds for cancellation before 180days.